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How to fix Blue Screen in Windows 10/11

What runs through your mind when you start your PC or laptop and get welcomed by an unfriendly blue screen? The first time I experienced this, I felt like I had damaged the computer. It's even worse if your computer just seemed okay the last time you used it. When this happens, there's no need to worry. There are 3 possible reasons for this: 1. Your Operating system may be corrupt 2. The main disk on your PC may be damaged 3. There could be a corrupt application affecting normal startup. It is normal to panic in such cases, especially when you have little to no experience handling computers. Before you phone that repair guy or throw your computer into the trash, try out these troubleshooting tips. 1. Disconnect all peripherals, the power connection and shut down the PC by long pressing the power button.  2. Wait for 5 minutes and power up the computer.  3. If that does not work, think about reinstalling a new Operating system. You can do so from a Bootable Flash Disk or a Com

Taking care of your laptop or desktop: 20 Tips That Actually Work.

Taking care of your computer is essential to ensure it remains in good working condition and lasts for a long time. Here are some tips for computer maintenance:

1. Keep it Clean:

Dust can accumulate inside your computer, causing it to overheat. Regularly clean the exterior and interior using compressed air and a soft brush.

2. Update Software:

Keep your operating system, drivers, and software up to date. Updates often include security patches and bug fixes.

3. Install Antivirus Software:

Protect your computer from viruses and malware by installing reputable antivirus software and keeping it updated.

4. Backup Your Data:

Regularly back up your important files to an external hard drive, cloud storage, or a backup service. This ensures you don't lose data in case of hardware failure or other issues.

5. Use Surge Protectors:

Plug your computer into a surge protector to protect it from power surges and electrical damage.

6. Manage Startup Programs:

Disable unnecessary startup programs to improve boot times and system performance.

7. Organize Your Files:

Keep your files and folders organized. Use a logical directory structure to make it easier to find and manage your data.

8. Monitor Temperature:

Use software tools to monitor the temperature of your CPU and GPU. Overheating can cause performance issues and reduce the lifespan of components.

9. Manage Storage:

Regularly delete unused files and programs to free up storage space. Consider using an SSD for your operating system and frequently used software for faster performance.

10. Use a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply):

A UPS can provide backup power in case of sudden power outages, preventing data loss and potential hardware damage.

11. Secure Your Computer:

Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication to protect your computer and online accounts.

12. Clean Your Monitor and Peripherals:

Keep your monitor, keyboard, and mouse clean from dust and smudges. Use appropriate cleaning materials to avoid damage.

13. Keep Food and Drinks Away:

Avoid eating or drinking near your computer to prevent spills and crumbs from damaging the components.

14. Proper Shutdown:

Shut down your computer properly rather than forcing it to turn off. This can prevent file system and hardware issues.

15. Regular Maintenance:

Periodically perform disk cleanup, defragmentation (if using a traditional hard drive), and check for errors on your hard drive.

16. Manage Cables:

Organize and secure cables to prevent tangling and tripping hazards.

17. Be Cautious with Downloads:

Download software and files only from reputable sources to avoid malware and adware.

18. Protect Against Physical Damage:

Use a laptop bag or a computer case to protect your laptop from physical damage when traveling.

19. Consider a Cooling Pad:

If you have a laptop, a cooling pad can help keep it cool during intensive tasks.

20. Read the User Manual:

Familiarize yourself with your computer's user manual for specific care instructions from the manufacturer.

If you find this piece useful, share it with a friend whom you believe needs it.

Check out Marginseye for Computers and accessories collection for your laptop and desktop needs.



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