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How to fix Blue Screen in Windows 10/11

What runs through your mind when you start your PC or laptop and get welcomed by an unfriendly blue screen? The first time I experienced this, I felt like I had damaged the computer. It's even worse if your computer just seemed okay the last time you used it. When this happens, there's no need to worry. There are 3 possible reasons for this: 1. Your Operating system may be corrupt 2. The main disk on your PC may be damaged 3. There could be a corrupt application affecting normal startup. It is normal to panic in such cases, especially when you have little to no experience handling computers. Before you phone that repair guy or throw your computer into the trash, try out these troubleshooting tips. 1. Disconnect all peripherals, the power connection and shut down the PC by long pressing the power button.  2. Wait for 5 minutes and power up the computer.  3. If that does not work, think about reinstalling a new Operating system. You can do so from a Bootable Flash Disk or a Com

How to recover an Instagram account

  Losing access to your Instagram account can be a frustrating experience, but don't worry! There are steps you can take to recover it and regain control of your profile. The first thing you should do is visit the login page and try entering your username and password.  If you can't remember your password, click on the "Forgot Password?" link and follow the instructions provided. Instagram will send you an email with a link to reset your password. Make sure to check your spam folder too, just in case. If you still can't retrieve your account using the password reset option, don't panic. Instagram provides an option to submit an appeal to recover your account. Go to the login page, enter your username, and click on "Need more help?" below the login button.  From there, select the "Report a hacked account" option and follow the instructions. Provide all the requested information, such as your previous email address or phone number associated

How to directly contact Facebook about a hacked account: Recover Hacked Facebook Account

Waking up to calls or texts of people complaining about things you didn't post can be really daunting. What's even worse is getting locked out of your account completely.  Before we get into deatils of how to contact Facebook about a hacked account, read these topics on basic ways to stay safe from hacking and how to setup 2-factor authentication for your social pages. Now, let's get down to the juicy part. You have lost access to your account but can't figure out how to get it back or contact Facebook? I will share with you some tips that will help you contact them directly. How is it possible to lose a facebook account, you may ask?. Hackers have come up very many ways to get access to your account. They can do any of the following: 1. Send you a link either pretending to be facebook team with claims of you going against their terms. 2. Send you a link of a fake offer. 3. Inbox you with a zipped file , usually used to get access your device or account. 4. Try reset

How to secure your home WIFI and enhance security.

Securing your home Wi-Fi network is essential to protect your personal information and devices from potential threats. Here are some tips for ensuring the security of your home Wi-Fi network: Change the Default Router Password :When you get a new router, it often comes with a default username and password. Change these immediately to something strong and unique. Use Strong Network Encryption :Enable WPA3 or WPA2 encryption on your Wi-Fi network. Avoid using WEP, as it's much less secure. Hide Your SSID (Network Name) :Disable the broadcasting of your network name (SSID). This can make it more challenging for potential intruders to find your network. Enable MAC Address Filtering :Configure your router to allow only specified devices to connect by filtering MAC addresses. Each device has a unique MAC address. Regularly Update Router Firmware :Check for and install firmware updates for your router. These updates often include security patches to address vulnerabilities. Strong Network

5 Must-Have Items for every content creator

  In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, content creators are thriving by generating compelling videos, podcasts, and online media. To ensure professional-quality content, it's crucial to equip yourself with the right tools. In this article, we will explore the five essential items that every content creator should have in their arsenal. From enhancing audio clarity to improving video quality, these tools are essential for creating captivating content that resonates with your audience. Wireless/Wired Lapel Microphone: Crystal-Clear Audio Capture When it comes to producing engaging content, clear audio is of paramount importance. A wireless or wired lapel microphone is an invaluable tool for content creators. It allows you to capture high-quality audio directly from the source, reducing background noise and ensuring crisp and professional-sounding recordings. Whether you're shooting interviews, vlogs, or tutorials, a lapel microphone will significantly enhance the audio cla

How to Delete Youtube Watch History

How to Delete YouTube Watch History - Step-by-Step Guide Have you ever thought about deleting your YouTube watch history? Sometimes you may feel like you need to privatize your account details and removing both  your google usage history and YouTube watch history is the first towards achieving that. In this article, we are looking at how to view and or delete YouTube watch history. Before you can access, view or delete YouTube watch history, you need to login to your google account. You can do so by accessing the account through your Gmail account. Follow these steps to access and delete YouTube watch history: i. When logged in, click on the profile icon of photo if you have added one followed by "Manage your google account" ii. Navigate to the left-hand side of the page and click on "Data & Privacy" iii. Scroll down until you find "Things you’ve done and places you’ve been" as shown below                  iv. You can then opt

Protecting Your Eyes: The Importance of Anti-Blue Light Glasses

  How frequently do you use your computer? Do you take good care of your eyes? Have you ever had of anti-blue light glasses ? Here are some reasons why you need anti-blue light glasses In today's digital age, we find ourselves spending more and more time in front of screens—be it computers, smartphones, or tablets.  While these technological advancements have undoubtedly improved our lives, they come with a potential downside: exposure to harmful blue light.  Fortunately, there's a simple solution to mitigate the effects of this modern challenge, anti-blue light glasses. In this blog, we'll take a deeper look at the importance of  anti blue light glasses and how they can help protect our eyes. Understanding Blue Light Before we delve into the significance of anti-blue light glasses, it's essential to understand what blue light is and its potential impact on our eyes.  Blue light is a high-energy light emitted by electronic devices and LED lights. While some amount of bl

5 ways to create more space on your phone: Ow-tech solutions

 How to create more storage space for your phone.             Most phone companies , brands or producers have upped there game when it comes to phone memory. The most common phone memory size today is 128Gigabytes. This sounds reasonable and someone may feel like they may be able to store everything they have.  That might be true for some but not all. There are few things that makes this not applicable to everyone. First, not everyone can afford the phones with such storage spaces. Second, there are fake phone brands, the clone versions of the original devices that tend to lie to consumers about the actual storage pace of the devices. Finally, the more space you have, the more you will need since in your mind, you will want to store more files.  The point is, no space is ever enough and that brings us to our main point here; how do you create more space on your mobile device?  Let's approach this with some form of question: How many apps do you use from  all that you have installed

Is Planned Obsolescence Acceptable?

  What is planned Obsolescence in the tech world?                         Planned obsolescence refers to the practice of intentionally designing and producing products with a limited lifespan or functionality, with the aim of encouraging consumers to purchase new replacements.  It is a strategy employed by manufacturers to ensure a continuous demand for their products and maintain a steady stream of revenue. There are various ways in which planned obsolescence can be implemented: Functional Obsolescence: Products are deliberately designed with components or materials that have a limited lifespan. This can include using low-quality parts, weak materials, or employing techniques that cause premature wear and tear, ultimately leading to the product's failure or decreased performance. Technological Obsolescence: This occurs when manufacturers introduce new technologies or features that make older products appear outdated or less desirable. They may deliberately withhold cer

How to ensure safety when using a computer

 How you and your child can be safe while using a computer. What do you think can make a computer risky to anyone? The use of computers, though not widely considered hazardous, can pose risks to both children and adults. These risks include physical hazards, such as accidents resulting from improper computer use, and health hazards, such as repetitive strain injury, strained eyes, and stress. There are various precautions that can be taken to ensure safety. Some of these are discussed below: 1. Children must be supervised when using computers to ensure that they do not access unsuitable adult material or give away personal details on the internet. To ensure internet safety, home and school internet contracts should be put in place, and internet material should be previewed before use. 2. Computers should be situated in public areas with screen content visible to everyone, and children should be taught how to use the internet safely. It is essential to have clear penalties in place for

How to speed up your computer: Quick tips from owtech

 How to speed up your computer: Quick tips from Owtech. As technology advances, our reliance on computers and the internet has increased exponentially. However, one of the most common issues we face is slow computer performance. If you're someone who frequently experiences computer lag, don't worry - there are a few simple steps you can take to speed up your computer and boost its performance. Clean up your hard drive A cluttered hard drive can slow down your computer's performance significantly. To ensure that your hard drive is running smoothly, delete unnecessary files, programs, and folders. Use disk cleanup to remove temporary files and system files that are no longer needed. Uninstall unused programs Unused programs take up valuable space and resources on your computer, slowing it down. Go through your installed programs and uninstall anything you don't need or use. Update your operating system and drivers Updates can be annoying, but they are essential for keepin

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