Whether you are acquiring your laptop for the first time or would just like to check its battery health or life, the built-in command line prompt will get you sorted out. Before we get started, note that this method works for Windows laptops. Here are the simple steps: 1. Open Command promt on your PC. You can do this in two ways: Press Windows button + R and type CMD then press enter or click on the search bar and type Command prompt. 2. Select the command prompt option and open as an administrator. 3. When the command promt window opens, type the command as it is "powercfg/batteryreport". Do not use the quotation marks. 4. Press enter key on the keyboard and wait for the report to be generated. 5. Once complete, go to your PC drive(usually Disc C), open users, select your mai user and look for battery report file. This file is usually a html file and must be opened using a browser like google chrome. Ensure you are connected to the internet when opening this file Once ope...
Waking up to calls or texts of people complaining about things you didn't post can be really daunting. What's even worse is getting locked out of your account completely. Before we get into deatils of how to contact Facebook about a hacked account, read these topics on basic ways to stay safe from hacking and how to setup 2-factor authentication for your social pages. Now, let's get down to the juicy part. You have lost access to your account but can't figure out how to get it back or contact Facebook? I will share with you some tips that will help you contact them directly. How is it possible to lose a facebook account, you may ask?. Hackers have come up very many ways to get access to your account. They can do any of the following: 1. Send you a link either pretending to be facebook team with claims of you going against their terms. 2. Send you a link of a fake offer. 3. Inbox you with a zipped file , usually used to get access your device or account. 4. Try reset...